Main Assessment Periods

First semester, 2024-25: December 7 to 23, 2024
Second semester, 2024-25: May 12 to 27, 2025

The main assessment periods are applicable to non-clinical undergraduate and taught postgraduate curricula in general. Nevertheless, assessment periods for individual curricula are approved by the respective Boards of Faculties and there may be examinations conducted outside the main assessment periods.

Summer Examinations
The timetables for the summer semester examinations/supplementary examinations/re-examinations will be emailed to individual students as soon as they are available. For examinations arranged directly by the departments, the students concerned will be notified separately.

Main features of centrally administered end-of-semester examinations
(full-time undergraduate and taught postgraduate curricula)
Regulations Governing Students' Academic Conduct Concerning Assessment
  1. These regulations cover assessments for any degree, diploma, certificate or other academic distinction or award granted by the University. For the purpose of these regulations, assessments include written examinations; written, practical and oral tests; continuous assessment; submission of any form of work; any other means of assessment as specified by the examiners; and any combination of the above.
  2. A student shall not introduce or cause to be introduced into the place of assessment, or remove or cause to be removed therefrom, any documents, materials, devices and items (including but not limited to printed or written matters, blank writing paper, dictionaries, calculators, mobile phones) save with the express permission of the examiners previously conveyed by the examiners or the Examinations Secretary.
  3. A student shall answer only on his/her answer book and on any supplementary answer books or sheets or through the platform and in the manner required for the purpose of assessment. He/She shall not mutilate his/her answer book or any supplementary answer books or sheets, and shall not remove them from the place of assessment.
  4. A student shall not obtain or seek to obtain advantage in the assessment by having or seeking access to unauthorized documents, materials, information, devices or items or by copying or attempting to copy from, or by communicating or attempting to communicate with any unauthorized person in respect of/in connection with any assessment.
  5. A student shall not impersonate another student, nor shall he/she permit himself/herself to be impersonated in respect of/in connection with any assessment.
  6. A student shall not engage in plagiarism nor self-plagiarism nor employ nor seek to employ any other unfair means in respect of/in connection with any assessment. Plagiarism is defined as the use of another person's work (including but not limited to any materials, creations, ideas and data) as if one’s own without due acknowledgement, whether or not such work has been published and regardless of the intent to deceive.
  7. A student shall not without due authority disclose or cause to be disclosed by whatever means any contents, answers or other information in respect of/in connection with any assessment.
  8. In conducting research, a student shall not engage in any misconduct which shall include, but not limited to, plagiarism; self-plagiarism, fabrication, falsification; unethical collection or unauthorized use of data; improper ascription of authorship including the listing of authors without their permission, attributing work to others who have not in fact contributed to the research, or the lack of appropriate acknowledgement of work primarily produced by another person; non-disclosure of potential conflict of interest; non-compliance with regulations including conducting research without obtaining relevant ethical approval and infringement of another person’s intellectual property rights; and other practices which seriously deviate from those commonly accepted within the academic community for proposing, conducting or reporting research.1
  9. A student shall not assist nor attempt to assist another student to infringe these regulations nor to obtain unfair advantage in respect of/in connection with any assessment, including but not limited to provision of any materials, information or other unfair assistance to a student.

1 Without prejudice to the generality of Regulation 8, it should be noted that the University has adopted the Policy on Research Integrity and other related procedures for safeguarding research integrity.

A candidate at a University assessment who infringes any of the above regulations is liable to be the subject of a complaint before the Disciplinary Committee under the provisions of Statute XXXI-2(1)(g).

Study Rooms

The following small central classrooms on the Centennial Campus are accessible by students with valid HKU Student Registration Card from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm daily for study purposes, when the rooms are not used for teaching or booked by other users.


Please note the following when studying in the above classrooms:
  1. The classrooms are used for study purposes only. The rooms are to be shared by students who require a space for studying and should not be blocked by individual students for their exclusive use.
  2. The number of students in a classroom must not exceed the maximum seating capacity of that room.
  3. No eating or drinking is allowed in the classrooms.
  4. Furniture should not be moved in or out of the classrooms.
  5. Students should not alter the setting of AV/IT equipment in the classrooms.
  6. Students must not leave their personal belongings unattended. The University takes no responsibilities for any lost or damage of personal items.

The University may require any students to leave a room immediately if they are found using the room for other purposes or are in violation of any of the above rules.